Field Hockey in Miami
Field Hockey is spreading in Miami. "Field Hockey" or "Hockey sobre Cesped" is a sport as well as a social activity that children can enjoy from a young age. Among its many benefits, it teaches social skills by: emphasizing a strong work ethic and the benefits of working together; stressing the importance of putting the team’s best interest first; upholding loyalty to the leader and fellow teammates; as well as instilling respect for the opposition during and after every match.
Field Hockey is a great fusion of sport, friendship and camaraderie, physical training and a sense of belonging – “Being a part of your Dream Team” – one more reason to enjoy it as a family. Meerkats Field Hockey Club or how we are called, "The Miami-Dade Meerkats", welcome kids (boys and girls) form ages 4 and up to participate in this amazing and rewarding sport, in the city of Miami.
Did you know ?
The game of field hockey is played by men and women in more than 130 countries worldwide and is second in popularity only to soccer as a team sport throughout the world.